Sunday, 24 August 2014

Me from A to Z


A: If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be?
Hmm. A cat, as I am a crazy cat lady myself, but a penguin mates for life awww x

B: BOOKS: What’s on your reading list?
You know I have not read for so long! I am guilty of saying I don't have 'time' to read tsk tsk.
However, some of my favourites are Tuesdays with Morrie and The magic faraway tree.

C: COMPULSIVE about anything?
So much. I suffer from a mild case of OCD. Classics are spill salt throw it over shoulder! cannot cross knifes/forks over. When chips/choccy packets are opened upside down (too much? ha!)

D: DREAMS – Do you…dream in colour? Remember your dreams? Keep a dream journal?
When I dream, I dream. They are strong memories.

E: EATING – what’s your usual snack?
There is a brand of organic corn chips I love to snack on and I have most recently taken a very regular liking to tuna and tzatziki (separately). I used to love a good cashew but no nuts for me anymore (diverticulitis).

F: A few of your FAVOURITE Things
My family. My twin nieces. My cousin whom I am close to who listens to me and gets me. The Beatles. Red wine. Records. Pasta. My favourite blogs. Simplicity. Social media. The kind hearts I have met through blogs/groups. Coffee and cake. A good cup of hot tea.

G: GIGGLES! What (or who) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of humour?
English comedies! Oh I get a giggle. Have you seen 'Black books' or 'The Office'? Witty. Clever.
The silly things we laugh about when I meet up with my two childhood friends, we think we are hilarious.

H: Major HOT Button:
Bullying. Name calling. Cruelty. Slow talkers (sorry when you work in customer service on the phone it gets to you)

I: I am…
Loving. Kind. Odd. Emotional. Hungry. A comedian BAHA

K: Also KNOWN As… Aliases? Screen names? A non de plume perhaps?
Mans, Manda, Mandaapplecakes. Studmuffin? BAHA

My Family. Photography. Shopping. Writing. Baking.

M: How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time? Rarely? Parties or 1-on-1?
I like to think I am a people person, I am not someone who has a whole group of friends though, a few close friends to share a coffee with.

N: What’s the story of your NAME? Were you named after anyone? Do you go by a nickname? Any aliases?
It means 'Lovable', 'Worthy of Love', fitting I know ;)

O: OBSERVANT – What’s around you right now? What do you see?
Laptop, my bird, Mike and Molly on tv and staring at a few peas on the table I am yet to clear from dinner (riveting isn't it)

P: Who are the special PEOPLE in your life?
My husband, my dad, my cousin, my aunty, my nieces, of course my family, and my close friends.

Q: Any little QUIRKS about yourself?
I am quite odd, I don't like wearing socks, I can't cook pancakes (burnt or raw!), I know almost every lyric to songs.

R: What do you like to do for RECREATION?
Shopping, coffee, cooking.
S: Do You SING in the Shower? In the car? For your friends?
Everywhere. I'm doing it as we write/read.

T: What’s at the top of your TO DO list?
Build my photography business, and work on my skills as a social media editor/manager. I have recently had to quit my office job due to bullying and am trying to gain my confidence back, work on myself and what I want/who I am.

U: Any UNUSUAL experiences?
Blog post to come x

V: VEGAS, Vienna, Venice, Vladivostok… How far have you travelled? What’s your favourite city?
Not a traveller. Favourite city? Melbourne. It has everything! Fashion, Food, Sights, Sea, Sun, Rain, Markets ahh

W: WINTER, Spring, Summer, Fall… What’s your favourite season? What makes it special?
Spring! I can smell it only looking at the word!

X: EXes…
Really? Probably best to look forward :)

Y: Any secret/deep YEARNINGS?
To have a family. To be healthy and happy. Career? To work from home as a social media manager.

Z: ZERO to ZENITH – Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along?
Downward at the moment but don't want to end on a low note, I'm working on curving it upwards!

This quiz was found on Sonia Styling's blog x

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