Sunday, 23 November 2014
Shake It Off
Oh Swifty,
If only it was that easy.
The last few months have been trying on me and still are.
I have taken some leaps.. and falls.
I quit my job after seven years, I turned the big 30, my relationship has been tough, I have lost 'friends', weight, and my lust for anything other than watching Ellen. Although, what a woman right?
It may be the classic getting older crisis?
The should I have more? At this point, should have a house to call my own, children, a career I enjoy or at least an idea of what I want to do or what field.
In these times you discover who really cares and who doesn't. Who is there for you and who isn't.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Me from A to Z
A: If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be?
Hmm. A
cat, as I am a crazy cat lady myself, but a penguin mates for life awww x
B: BOOKS: What’s on your reading list?
You know I
have not read for so long! I am guilty of saying I don't have 'time' to read tsk tsk.However, some of my favourites are Tuesdays with Morrie and The magic faraway tree.
C: COMPULSIVE about anything?
So much. I
suffer from a mild case of OCD. Classics are spill salt throw it over shoulder!
cannot cross knifes/forks over. When chips/choccy packets are opened upside
down (too much? ha!)
D: DREAMS – Do you…dream in colour? Remember your dreams? Keep a dream
When I
dream, I dream. They are strong memories.
E: EATING – what’s your usual snack?
There is a
brand of organic corn chips I love to snack on and I have most recently taken a
very regular liking to tuna and tzatziki (separately). I used to love a good
cashew but no nuts for me anymore (diverticulitis).
F: A few of your FAVOURITE Things
My family.
My twin nieces. My cousin whom I am close to who listens to me and gets
me. The Beatles. Red wine. Records. Pasta. My favourite blogs. Simplicity.
Social media. The kind hearts I have met through blogs/groups. Coffee and cake. A good cup of hot tea.
G: GIGGLES! What (or who) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of
comedies! Oh I get a giggle. Have you seen 'Black books' or 'The Office'? Witty. Clever.
The silly
things we laugh about when I meet up with my two childhood friends, we think we
are hilarious.
H: Major HOT Button:
Name calling. Cruelty. Slow talkers (sorry when you work in customer
service on the phone it gets to you)
I: I am…
Kind. Odd. Emotional. Hungry. A comedian BAHA
K: Also KNOWN As… Aliases? Screen names? A non de plume perhaps?
Mans, Manda,
Mandaapplecakes. Studmuffin? BAHA
My Family.
Photography. Shopping. Writing. Baking.
M: How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time? Rarely?
Parties or 1-on-1?
I like to
think I am a people person, I am not someone who has a whole group of friends
though, a few close friends to share a coffee with.
N: What’s the story of your NAME? Were you named after anyone? Do you go
by a nickname? Any aliases?
It means
'Lovable', 'Worthy of Love', fitting I know ;)
O: OBSERVANT – What’s around you right now? What do you see?
Laptop, my
bird, Mike and Molly on tv and staring at a few peas on the table I am yet to
clear from dinner (riveting isn't it)
P: Who are the special PEOPLE in your life?
My husband,
my dad, my cousin, my aunty, my nieces, of course my family, and my close
Q: Any little QUIRKS about yourself?
I am quite
odd, I don't like wearing socks, I can't cook pancakes (burnt or raw!), I know
almost every lyric to songs.
R: What do you like to do for RECREATION?
coffee, cooking.
S: Do You SING in the Shower? In the car? For your friends?
I'm doing it as we write/read.
T: What’s at the top of your TO DO list?
Build my
photography business, and work on my skills as a social media editor/manager. I have
recently had to quit my office job due to bullying and am trying to gain my confidence back, work on
myself and what I want/who I am.
U: Any UNUSUAL experiences?
post to come x
V: VEGAS, Vienna, Venice, Vladivostok… How far have you travelled?
What’s your favourite city?
Not a
traveller. Favourite city? Melbourne. It has everything! Fashion, Food, Sights,
Sea, Sun, Rain, Markets ahh
W: WINTER, Spring, Summer, Fall… What’s your favourite season? What
makes it special?
Spring! I
can smell it only looking at the word!
X: EXes…
Really? Probably best to look forward :)
Y: Any secret/deep YEARNINGS?
To have a
family. To be healthy and happy. Career? To work from home as a social media
Z: ZERO to ZENITH – Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an
upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along?
Downward at
the moment but don't want to end on a low note, I'm working on curving it
upwards!Tuesday, 12 August 2014
The best version of you
You are not good enough because you are overweight. Boys don’t like you. It’s
ok for a man to disrespect you.
Your job that is looked down on, ‘you
don’t need schooling to do that job’.
When are you going to university? When are you buying a house? When are you
having children?
Don’t leave it too long or it may be too hard.
The last few months I have
noticed a big shift in me.
I don’t need or want to be skinny. I deserve to be respected. I have more
intelligence than what the company I work for believes I have. I am not utilized
for what I am capable. I don’t want to go to university, it’s not me. I’m still
saving for a house. It’s not that I don’t want children….
I want to more than anything.
It amazes me how people, (whether close to you or not) and their opinions
and comments about you, can have you believe every little negative thing they
say, knowing you and your situation or not.
This shift in me has been welcomed with open arms.
Perhaps it comes with
age, or just having had enough,
I have decided to shake off any of these small minded opinions/comments,
past and present, and work every day for me.
Who I am and who I strive to be.
I want to be the best
version of myself.
What can you do towards being the best version of yourself?
What step/s can you begin with?
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Pay It Forward
I have decided to post this as was one of my first writings I wrote for online publication 'We heart life' back in January 2013 and it was something I felt strongly about and was proud of.
credit: Pinterest}
It feels
good to give.
There is a
strange thing that happens to me often.
I will call
a bank/restaurant/company as we all do in our everyday life to make a
query/booking, and when the phone is answered ‘how may I direct your call’
I will answer ‘Hi how you going?’ before
any exchange of business, because its polite and it’s manners and the reply is
….. ‘Hello?’ ‘Sorry who is this’ ‘do I know
always seem so puzzled with me asking how they are, like it is such a lost art
to give a damn.
Like I am a weirdo for even asking the
This makes
me a little sad, as something that is simply good manners is confusing to
Pay it forward
is a theory in which when someone does a good deed to you, repay it unto
someone else and person by person it will create a massive wave of kindness.
That feeling
of watching someone you care about opening that gift you spent time picking
especially for them.
I believe we all should all take some time in our everyday
life to pay it forward -
someone a compliment – something as simple as ‘That shirt looks really good on
you’ can up the confidence
some extra food for dinner and taking the leftovers for a friend at work or deliver
some baked goodies to a friend who is under the pump with children/work/home or
just because.
a Partner or friend with brekkie (or coffee) in bed!
of your old clothes to the local op shop/charity
someone you love that you love them
a courteous driver
out to lunch or dinner thank the service for a great meal
someone before you in a line/hold the door open
on a good book or movie that you loved, that inspired you or taught you
Give it a
go, ask someone how they are.
It may make their day. Or their week.
*Of course,
be careful when ‘paying it forward’, i.e. personal details exchanged, danger
when it comes to strangers etc.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Welcome x
Hi there!
Pull up a chair!
Chai tea? latte? capa capa? or maybe it's been that sort of day and a wine would be more fitting?
Thanks for visiting my space x